Why are lawyers so expensive in the us?

Lawyers are too expensive for most Americans to afford. The result is that most people who need legal advice and representation don't get it. This can have dire consequences, as people lose their homes, receive inadequate care and even put their lives at risk. A recent article published on National Public Radio described the plight of political asylum seekers who are not represented by an attorney. Most of them lose their cases and, instead of returning to situations that endanger their lives, they go underground and join the masses of undocumented immigrants who fear that they will stop their next traffic stop.

Clients' expectations for legal fees are based, first and foremost, on a desire for clarity; clients want to know what they are paying for. They want to learn as much as possible about the fee structure in advance to incorporate it into their budgets. As an economics student, as well as a lawyer who has worked in many different areas of the profession over the past decade and a half, let me analyze this. If consumers know the difference between quality legal advice and busy work, then they can make smart decisions about when to pay higher fees and when to seek out a cheaper lawyer. With an hourly billing system, clients are billed for the time that attorneys, paralegals, and support staff spend on their cases.

The demanding nature of family law cases also requires ongoing education and training (also known as CLE) that Washington State family attorneys must complete a have been admitted to practice. Failure to comply with ethical standards can lead to serious professional consequences and legal penalties for the lawyer. Access to comprehensive legal databases, up-to-date research tools and cutting-edge technology is essential for lawyers to perform their functions competently. Lawyers act in accordance with strict ethical rules and regulations; both help lawyers maintain and protect credibility and integrity, which are the pillars of the legal profession.

You pay the company to rent the photocopier they use profusely printing every sheet of paper that is sent to you (because lawyers they document everything). Therefore, Washington State family attorneys must possess a very specific skill set to effectively navigate the complexities of their legal cases.

Fiona Powell
Fiona Powell

Typical gamer. Friendly tv nerd. Professional music specialist. Lifelong web expert. Freelance bacon ninja.