How can i talk to an immigration lawyer for free in the usa?

To help you find an authorized legal representative, the United States Bar Association provides information on how to find an attorney in your state. The Department of Justice also provides a list of attorneys who provide immigration services for free or at a low cost. The DOJ also provides a list of accredited representatives and recognized organizations. Your authorized legal representative must file Form G-28 (Notice of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative) along with the appropriate request, petition, or appeal that you present.

USCIS will send information about your case to you and your authorized legal representative, if you have one. The leading experts in U.S. immigration law U.S., fiancé visas, marriage and family visas Please complete as much information as possible below regarding family or employment immigration or other immigration services. The more we know, the better we can advise you.

We can help wherever you are in the U.S. UU. All information will be kept strictly confidential. Lolly, P, C. We want you to succeed, whether you're looking for a green card, marriage visa, fiancé visa, legal exemption, victim's rights, or other family or work benefits.

We have successfully obtained more than 15,000 visas and permanent residence cards for family members from more than 190 countries. To date, the immigration law firm of Allan S. has successfully obtained more than 15,000 K1 fiancé visas, CR marriage visas, green cards, immigration exemptions, VAWA benefits, asylum benefits, and other family and work visas. They are granted by an active member of the California State Bar Association or under the supervision of an active member of the State Bar Association.

The information provided is general in nature, is not reliable under particular circumstances and should not be construed as legal advice. Reliable legal advice should be based on the individual case after hiring. While other people (notaries public and immigration consultants) can help you by filling in the blanks on pre-printed USCIS forms with the information you provided, these people may NOT represent you before USCIS. In addition, notaries public and immigration consultants can only charge nominal fees as regulated by state law. You can also consult the list of recognitions and accreditations maintained by the Executive Office of Immigration Review (HEAR).

If you need help with immigration matters, be very careful before paying money to anyone other than an attorney or an EOIR-accredited representative of an organization recognized by the EOIR. If you need legal advice on an immigration matter but cannot afford to hire an attorney, you can ask an attorney, an immigration bar association, a state bar association, or a specially accredited organization to provide such assistance about the availability of free or low-cost legal services in immigration matters. Recognized organizations can only charge nominal fees, if any, for the provision of services in immigration matters. Please fill out as much information as possible below regarding family or employment immigration or other immigration services.

Fiona Powell
Fiona Powell

Typical gamer. Friendly tv nerd. Professional music specialist. Lifelong web expert. Freelance bacon ninja.